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Michi (道), also known as Kamimichi (神道) or Michiism (mainly used in Amphia), is an animistic, polytheistic religion based on the Sashizuki (指図記), a holy text dating to the 6th or 7th century. Michi adherents believe that the first Empress of Yamatai, Himiko, was the reincarnation of Himiko, a semi-mythical priestess-monarch that ruled the Kingdom of Miyako in ancient Yamatai. In the Michi belief, Himiko is the daughter of the sun goddess Amaterasu, the ruler of the heavenly realm Takamagahara, and was sent to guide and rule over humanity. Michi is thus the religious basis upon which the Yamataian monarchs maintain their right to rule, as they are descendants of Himiko.

Michi worship is largely centered on the veneration of forces of nature and ancestors, the purification of the self, and a belief in a rational order of nature which can be influenced by humans through their interactions with spirits and gods. A multiplicity of gods and immortals known collectively as Kami are worshipped, and these are typically deities of natural phenomena or human behaviour. A key concept is the "harmonious society", which is often interpreted in various ways but mainly promotes unity and social cohesiveness.

Michi is divided into several denominations, known as Paths. Different Michi Paths mainly differ in their interpretation of the Sashizuki, ritual practices, worldly objectives, and other ways. The largest denomination is the Kiyoshi Path, with about two-thirds of adherents in Yamatai following the Kiyoshi Path. Other major Michi Paths, in order of size, include Reform Kamamori, Orthodox Kamamori, Happo, Jodo, and Kokka.

The national religion of Yamatai, Michi is officially recognised by the government as the religious tradition of the Yashiman people, a claim which has been controversial. Closely tied to Yamataian culture, many elements of Michi are ingrained into Yamataian cultural festivals, practices, and cultural beliefs. It is the largest religion in Yamatai with over 82%, and has numerous adherents outside of Yamatai.


Kannushi (神主) - Kamamori

Shinshoku (神職) - Everyone else except Jodo

Core theological concepts


Major Kami

The major kami are divided into four groups, or generations, of which only Mikaboshi is not a member of the family of Izanmi and Izanagi.

The 'Primordial Generation' is comprised of the kami Izanagi and Izanami, who are the married creator deities of Kamimichi, responsible for the creation of the Yashiman islands, the world in general and humans. The third kami in the primordial generation is Mikaboshi, the chaos god of the emptiness that existed before Izanami and Izanagi began creation. All other Major Kami are the direct children of Izanami and Izanagi.

The 'Three Precious Children' are the first three children of Izanami and Izanagi, representing the most powerful and important natural phenomena as interpreted by the ancient Yashimans. Amaterasu, the firsborn daughter, is the kami of the sun, air, land and is also the ruler of Takamagahara. She is also believed to be the mother of Himiko, the first Empress, and is also the guardian of the nation of Yamatai. Tsukuyomi is the kami of the moon, the night and purity, while Susanoo is the kami of the sea and storms, and is seen as the protector of travellers, traders and explorers.

The 'Kami of the People' represent human traits and protect the interests of humanity. Ukemochi is the goddess of dawn, mirth and revelry, dance and the arts. Inari is the goddess of fertility, rice, tea and sake, agriculture and industry, general prosperity and worldly success

Gods of the People

Ukemochi - Kami of food. Female.

Ame-no-Uzume - Kami of dawn, mirth and revelry, Dance and the Arts. Female.

Inari - Fertility, rice, tea and sake, of agriculture and industry, of general prosperity and worldly success, patron of swordsmiths and merchants. Female.

Yagokoro - Kami of reason, wisdom, intelligence, skill, peace, warfare, battle strategy, and handicrafts. Female.

Hachiman - Kami of war, divine protector of Yamatai and its people. He was close to Chihiro before she fell off Mt. Aozora, and continues to protect humans.

Chihiro - Kami of Humans, she later fell off of Mt. Aozora due to Haru-hime and from her 1,000 scattered body parts came the first humans. Female.

Elemental Children

Kamitsuru - Kami of Air.

Suijin - Kami of Water.

Sarutahiko - Kami of Earth, strength, guidance, martial arts. Would later marry Ame-no-Uzume.

Kagutsuchi - Kami of Fire and the last Major Kami to be born naturally.

Yomotsu-Shikome - Kami of Anger, Death and Destruction, and the result of Izanami's split into two beings. Izanami got corrupted by her time in the Yomi after dying during Kagutsuchi's birth and was unable to produce any more children. Izanagi began to ignore her in favour of going out on adventures, and she got extremely angry and upset. These negative feelings eventually forced Izanami apart into two Kami, herself and an identical twin, Yomotsu-Shikome. After causing much death and destruction, Yomotsu-Shikome was forced into the Yomi where she was sealed forever. She is now the God of the Yomi and one of the the two beings who resides there permanently, alongside her daughter Enma-joo.

Minor Kami

Lords of Susanoo

When Izanagi went on his adventures, he brought his son Susanoo (God of the Sea, Storms and more) along for some bonding time. Because both of them then went on a hydra-killing romp for an unreasonably long time, 3 dragon kings took over the neglected seas. When Susanoo returned, he first wanted to kick them out but then realised that he could employ them to watch over the seas while he went on more beast hunts.

Ryujin - Kami of the Western Sea, a dragon employed by Susanoo to carry out his duties while he goes on adventures

Wasatsumi - Kami of the Eastern Sea, another dragon employed by Susanoo

Kuzenbo - Kami of the Inland Sea (Yashima Straight) and Lord of the Kappas.

Twin sons of Susanoo

Susanoo later had two sons, who were also the first Oni.

Fuujin - Kami of Lightning

Raijin - Kami of Thunder

Seven Lucky Gods

The Seven Lucky Gods were a band of travelling Kami from abroad who arrived in Yashima during a period of disasters. There they demonstrated their talents to the assembled Kami. Ebisu brought fertility back to the land, impressing Inari. Daikokuten brought goods for the people to trade, impressing Susanoo. Bishamonten enabled the people to win battles against northern barbarians, impressing Hachiman. Benzaiten taught the people new talents and arts, impressing Ame-no-Uzume. Fukurokuju brought wisdom and new knowledge, impressing Yagokoro. Jurojin impressed Izanami and Izanagi by providing longevity to the Humans. And Hotei impressed Amaerasu by helping humans attain good fortune. Delighted, the Kami agreed to allow the travellers to stay.

Ebisu - Kami of prosperity and wealth in business, and of abundance in crops, cereals and food in general.

Daikokuten - Kami of commerce and prosperity.

Bishamonten - Kami of fortune in war and battles, also associated with authority and dignity. He is literally the protector of those who follow the rules and behave appropriately.

Benzaiten - Kami of talent, beauty and music among others. Female.

Fukurokuju - Kami of wisdom, luck, longevity, wealth and happiness.

Jurōjin - The incarnation of the southern polestar, Juroujin is the Kami of the elderly and longevity.

Hotei - Kami of fortune, guardian of the children, patron of diviners and barmen, and also the god of popularity.

Other Kami

Enma-Joō - The Queen of the Yomi, the realm of the dead. She is the daughter of Yomotsu-Shikome, and judges those who arrive at the Yomi's gates.

Ika-hime - Daughter of Susanoo and the Kami of Squids. A Defender of the Seas, she fought against numerous beasts while her father was away.

Fubuki - Kami of snow and blizzards. Her name is also the word for blizzard.

Gekishin - Kami of earthquakes.

Azumi-no-isora - Kami of the seashore

Takemikazuchi - The Kami of swords and weapons. He was born from the blood on Susanoo's sword after he slew the Yamata-no-Orochi.

Tenjin - Kami of scholarship and the mortal son of Yagokoro who was eventually elevated to a Kami.

Himiko - Daughter of Amaterasu and the designated bridge between the realms.

Haru-hime - Daughter of Mikaboshi, and the trickster goddess. She was born in a bid to avoid Izanagi's attention, as he and Izanami are the only ones strong enough to defeat or contain Mikaboshi. Haru-hime caused great destruction before Amaterasu sent Yuki-hime after her.

Yuki-hime - Daughter of Amaterasu and the designated observer of Haruhime, ensuring she does not cause too much rouble. She was spontaneously born the moment Hau-hime was born, in order to preserve the balance. This was while Amaterasu was in the middle of something else.

Remu and Ramu - Twin goddesses who exist to serve the other gods. They also act as executioners of criminals.

Death in Kamimichi

People die when they are killed. They then go to the Yomi's gates where they are judged by Enma-Joō. The pure of spirit go to Ashihara no Nakatsukuni, where they reside for eternity in paradise. The evil of spirit remain in the Yomi, a realm of dark nothingness, where they eventually fade into non-existence. The moderate of spirit are reincarnated.




Chisei has the highest concentration of Michi worshippers outside of Yamatai.

Dai Hoa



Denominations in Michi are known as Schools (宗派, shūha). The four most prominent are the Kamamori Shrine, Sky Canopy, Dainimichi and the Imperial Shrine.

See also