Miko (Michi)

From Ordic Encyclopedia
A miko performing the ritual purification dance

In the Michi, a miko (巫女) is a shrine priestess, in charge of a shrine. Their responsibilities are teaching the Michi mythology and rituals, performing ritual tasks, directing worshippers in the cleansing of the world, and representing the Imperial Shrine.

In the Imperial Shrine, miko are ranked by seniority and meritocracy, and take leadership roles ranging from singular shrines to coordinating entire regions of shrines. The highest-ranked miko is the Supreme Miko, who oversees the entire Imperial Shrine and may communicate with the Gods. In no other Michi denominations are miko ranked in such a manner, and the jurisdiction and roles of miko vary widely. For example, in Dainimichi multiple miko occupy each shrine, while in Sky Canopy, there are no miko. These denominations also do not recognise the Supreme Miko as the 'bridge between realms'.

Miko are always female, and typically take on several apprentices, one of which succeeds the current miko upon her retirement.

See also